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  4. Maximizing Workforce Capacity

Maximizing Workforce Capacity

Your factory’s total production capacity is made up of factory capacity, and workforce capacity. Workforce capacity has three main inputs which impact the effectiveness of your workers:

Number of workers, which is simply the number of employees that are working on the factory floor.

Worker effectiveness, which is determined by motivation and skill. Motivation is determined by salary and job security, and skill is determined by starting ability and training. Worker skill and motivation also has an effect on the quality rating of your products.

Potential capacity, which is the amount of product that a fully trained and motivated workforce can produce. In MikesBikes Advanced the maximum potential capacity per factory worker is 625 SCU.

General Rule

As staff training and salaries increase, workforce capacity will rise to the maximum as workers become more efficient and more motivated.

Factory workforce and factory workforce capacity data for your firm can be found in the Manufacturing Responsiveness Report.

Skill and motivation index data for your firm can be found in the Manufacturing Quality Report.

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