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  3. Using the Live Forecast in MikesBikes Introduction

Using the Live Forecast in MikesBikes Introduction

The Live Forecast feature in the MikesBikes Introduction to Business Simulation is located at the top-right of all decision screens. This enables you to easily see the impact of individual decision changes on overall performance.

How Does it Work?

The Live Forecast displays two key metrics: Forecast Profit & Forecast Cash.

These figures are based on currently entered decisions and update in real-time whenever you click “Apply” in any decision screen.

Clicking on the Live Forecast box will bring up your Forecast Results Summary report.

Note: The Live Forecast feature is an indicator of performance based on your currently entered decisions. It does not foretell your actual results as it can not take into consideration future market changes or your competitor decisions. So if based on these variables you end up selling more or less than you expected after the rollover, your actual results will be different than your forecast. Of particular importance is ensuring you have an accurate sales forecast: How do I accurately forecast sales for the year ahead?

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