Monthly Archives: January 2011

Smartsims' New Logo (portrait)

Product Updates for 2011

We’ve been very busy over December to bring you some anticipated updates across all of our Business simulations.

The most notable update is the release of the online (web-browser based) version of the Single-Player for all our products. This is a complete replication of the Single-Player, with students now able to control their own rollovers (through the Rollover menu), to move forward and back through decision periods at their own pace. Now your Mac users have access to our simulations in their entirety through our website.

The MikesBikes-Intro scenario has been updated to include a 2011 starting year, IFRS mikesbikes introcompliant reports, and a 10% demand increase in the Mountain Bike segment. We now have online versions for both the Single-Player and Multi-Player. Students will have access to the Online Multi-Player by default through our website. If you course is also using the Windows software, Mac users will need to email us to request their Single-Player access.

The MikesBikes-Advanced scenario updates include a 2011 starting year, updated Single-slide1Player robot competitor, and the Perceptual Map has been integrated with the Design and Development screen for easy reference. We now have a browser based version for your Mac users for both the Single-Player and Multi-Player. Mac users can email us to request enable their Single-Player access.


Music2Go and AdSim:
Music2Go and Adsim now have 2011 starting years. We now have online versions for both adsimthe Single-Player and Multi-Player. Students will have access to the Online Multi-Player by default through our website. If you course is also using the Windows software, Mac users will need to email us to request their Single-Player access.

There are more planned updates for our products in the first half of this year, ready for Fall/Semester 2, with a focus on AdSim and Music2Go.

Smartsims' New Logo (portrait)

Welcome Back Nick Hammond

Nick Hammond will be re-joining the Smartsims Team from the 24th of January 2011 as one of our Account Managers.

A number of you will remember Nick, who was part of the Smartsims Team from mid-2007 through to mid-2009. At that time he departed overseas but we are pleased that Nick has returned to our shores, and is excited to be getting back into Business Simulations.

Nick originally used our MikesBikes-Advanced Simulation through MGMT 301 at the University of Auckland, while completing his Bachelor of Commerce degree. Nick enjoyed MikesBikes so much that he applied for a position here at Smartsims, bringing with him a great commendation from his Professor,Dr Darl Kolb.

– Ian McPherson

Smartsims' New Logo (portrait)

Website Updates for Jan 2011

Running a Smartsims Business Simulation has never been easier! January 2011 sees our revamped course pages launched and ready for use.

Instructors and Students alike will benefit from simplified and easy to navigate course pages, with all necessary resources at their fingertips.

Updated Student Coursepages

New Student Welcome page
This is the new Welcome page for students. Students are provided with steps on getting started, including our Quickstart guide to get them acquainted with the simulation, a guide to our 24/7 support, and information on launching the simulation.


New Student Product Page
The most substantial change has been to narrowing down access to the simulation to a single webpage. Students can download or launch their company, and access all resources through the single product menu.


Updated Instructor Coursepages

New Administrator Launch Page
Here you can quickly launch the Online Administrator, allowing you to monitor and edit your simulation from any computer with internet access. Highly convenient for smaller courses, and works with all major web-browsers. The Windows software version is still available through this page, which we recommend for larger courses and/or advanced users.

update3New Instructor Product Page
The Instructor Product Page enables you to access any of your students firms if required, as well as download all of the simulation resources.


Feel free to click on the Contact Us menu on your left if you have any questions.