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  4. Annual Budget in AdSim Advertising Simulation
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  3. Year 2 New Decisions
  4. Annual Budget in AdSim Advertising Simulation
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  2. AdSim Advertising
  3. Year 3 New Decisions
  4. Annual Budget in AdSim Advertising Simulation
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  2. AdSim Advertising
  3. Annual Budget in AdSim Advertising Simulation
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  2. Year 5 New Decisions
  3. Annual Budget in AdSim Advertising Simulation

Annual Budget in AdSim Advertising Simulation

Each year you have a fixed budget to spend. You should ensure that you spend all of your budget each year. If you overspend, the simulation will automatically reduce your Advertising budget to bring you back under budget.

Your annual budget is displayed when you first log in and on your company’s Home page. Additionally, the Live Budget and the Budget Report also show the budget remaining after the cost of your current decisions has been deducted.

Your budget increases each year of the simulation to facilitate the additional decision areas as they become available:

Year 1: $6m
Year 2: $6.5m
Year 3: $8m
Year 4: $9m
Year 5: $11m
Year 6: $11m
Year 7 and Beyond: $12m

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