Student Success Stories: Peter Johnson from Des Moines Area Community College

Meet Peter Johnson, an Intro to Business student from Des Moines Area Community College. He managed to land the Top 7 spot in the MikesBikes Introduction Hall of Fame last Fall.

We interviewed Peter to learn about his decision-making, strategy and what resources he used to help him succeed in the simulation.

What is your decision-making process in the simulation?

My decision-making process always began with reading the business reports to base my decisions off of.  When looking over the reports, I would also take notice of what my competition was doing.  Analyzing this information was very helpful in every new decision I made especially when expanding my product line.  I would then adjust my numbers for production and available units for sale.  Next, I would tend to my advertising in each market.  I spent quite a bit of money on advertising, but it worked well for me.  In addition, I invested in many company and product improvements such as efficiency and quality.  When able, I would pay dividends and repurchase equity as well.  For the most part, this decision-making process remained routine for me through each simulation rollover.

What was your strategy going into the simulation?

My strategy for the simulation was to increase shareholder value by boosting sales and maximizing profits.  To do so, I wanted to grow my company by expanding the product line and by investing more money in advertising to grow my brand and gain a competitive edge.  I knew I wanted to separate myself from the competition and an increase in advertising was my first step in accomplishing that.

How did you begin implementing that strategy?

I implemented that strategy by immediately increasing the money I spent on advertising.  I paid attention to the market reports to allocate my advertising expenses effectively for each market.  I also looked for ways to improve the products and company along the way.  For example, I invested in efficiency and quality when given the opportunity to do so.  Also, market reports helped me make tailor made product improvements according to the expectations of each corresponding market.

How did you familiarize yourself with the simulation?

I watched the instructional videos and looked through the various reports available.  I took advantage of my practice time with the simulation.  During this time, I was able to make decisions according to information I read in the reports and see how the results of my decisions would play out in the simulation.  Seeing how these decisions would positively or negatively affect my business was very helpful.

How would you describe the competition?

I would describe the competition as a high priority.  In my opinion, it is equally important to pay attention to what your competition is doing as much as it is to pay attention to what your own company is doing.  You can definitely create competitive advantages for your business depending on what your competition is doing or not doing.

What resources did you pull on to develop your winning strategy which led you to the top of your course and then top in the Hall of Fame?

Utilizing the reports made available to me in this simulation was crucial in developing a winning strategy.  The information they provide allowed me to refine my decisions along the way and improve the accuracy of those decisions.  Also, keeping an eye on my competition proved to be more valuable than I had originally anticipated.

What challenges did you face? How did you overcome these?

Lost sales became a challenge for me on more than one occasion.  Every time I expanded my product line, I incurred lost sales in each of the new markets.  To correct this, I increased the number of units available for sale in each of those markets.  Occasionally, I would have to buy more SCU to produce more units.  Paying attention to my market share and future market demand helped me eliminate lost sales.

Was there anything in particular you did that you think helped to prepare yourself?

I think taking advantage of the practice time to learn about the simulation really helped me.  Getting to know the reports available and the information they contain are advantageous in making solid decisions and taking informed calculated risks.

How has participating within a course which uses a business simulation to supplement their teaching materials helped you? What do you think of the business simulation?

I think it helped me in learning about and understanding how to read various business reports.  It is important to know what information to look for when making any decision for your company.  The interactive platform is a great way to experience making decisions for a business and seeing the outcome of those decisions.

Comments on your experience with the simulation itself

I really enjoyed my experience with the Mike’s Bikes simulation.  Engaging in the simulation is an interesting and fun way to learn.   It provided me with valuable tools and experience when addressing a company’s business decision making process.  Being that every Mike’s Bikes experience is unique to that user, it is a simulation I would participate in again.

MikesBikes Intro Hall of Fame